It’s Been Too Long

Yeah, I know – almost 3 years to the day.  So sue me.  I stopped working on the site, and even trying to get the old site back up and running on the original URL for pretty much one reason, and one reason only.  Blogging about the Canucks wasn’t FUN anymore.  I wasn’t really enjoying it, so there wasn’t really a whole lot of point to doing it.

But now that I have the opportunity to do this again, I’m going to keep posting, and being active on Twitter (follow @CanuckNation, where I’m more active than on here).  Comment.  Or just read.  Whichever.

Which is not to say that the Canucks don’t frustrate the hell out of me at times, because they do.  But do I stop watching, or jump off the bandwagon?  Nah.  Not in my nature.  But I was so looking forward to last night’s game (my thoughts will be in the next post).  And now it’s time for me to get back to posting here, and adding another blog to the list of excellent Canucks blogs that there are out there.  And they’ve just gotten so much better over the last couple of years.

Which reminds me, gotta update that links list.